Marta Rubio

Marta Rubio Marta Rubio in Spitalfields Market, London.

Marta is a creative, dreamer and fighter! A talented woman originally from Saragossa, Spain, who is currently living in South London. Since 2008 she has been designing and producing projects to raise awareness about cancer. She is now making a short film and documentary. She loves travelling, discovering, learning, animals, above all, animals which can fly. If she was an animal she would be one of which can fly.

Marta Rubio Bloomtrigger Profile * Click here to visit Marta’s bloomtrigger profile!

* What inspires you?
Living, wake up in the morning and thinking I have the opportunity to do everything I want to.

* What makes you angry?
Why make people suffer when is so easy to make people happy?

* What is your personal mission?
To transfer my positive attitude towards life to others. I try to achieve my dreams and help to the others to reach theirs.

* If you were Prime Minister, what would be the first thing you’d change?
If I were Prime Minister I would get crazy.

* Why did you agree to become a bloomtrigger ambassador?
If you had the opportunity to help this project, wouldn’t you do it?

* Can you describe a typical workday?
I hate routine so I don’t know what a typical workday is.

* Can you think of a place or event you have been that has really inspired you?
I am living in London and I come from a city where almost everyone is an artist so, I can’t say only one, but I can say hundreds. However, you don’t need any event. Go to any forest, park, beach,… and you will see how you feel inspired. I always find the inspiration in nature.

* How do you define success?
Success in my opinion is living as you want, achieving your dreams… and to value the simple things in life.

* What’s the best advice anyone’s ever given you?
Let’s dress slowly that I have to rush (Vístete despacio que tengo prisa).

* What’s your favourite book or film of late?
Film: Into the wild. / Book: The Alchemist and Eleven minutes by Paulo Coelho.

* If you could get anyone to become a part of the bloomtrigger project who would it be and why?
I thought about a good person and friend. In my opinion it has to be a good person who I already know would help. The climber Carlos Pauner. He has the most important characteristics. He loves nature, he is a good person and always does his best to help others… He once went to the other side of the world where he climbed, he got to know someone who needed a home for his family, he built a home, he paid the money, he did it all with his own hands and he made sure that everything went well. It is just one of his anecdotes I know well. He goes, he builds, he puts his effort in and he swears to help…

He was the person who fulfilled the last dream of my father. My father wanted to fly and he took him up in one of his planes. It has been and will be the most beautiful gift I have seen in all my life. He fights for his dreams but also helps others to get theirs.

* How do you go green in your daily life?
Recycling, saving water, helping small charities and I love giving away everything I don’t use, because we don’t need the most things we have. I’m a  fan of reusing things, furniture… everything I have is from the bin or someone gave me… you would have to see. Things which you can turn into something better, something beautiful.

* What would you most like to happen to protect the planet?
A miracle.

* Do you have a favourite quote you can share with us?
“Happiness is only real when shared” – Christopher Johnson McCandless.

* If you found yourself stranded in a rainforest, what is the one thing you would like to have with you?
Imagination, which I already have.

* Can you think up one more interesting question that we should be asking for this interview, but have not thought of yet and then answer it?
Why do you think that we have chosen you to be a Bloomtrigger ambassador?
Because I will do my best to help you!

* To find out more about bloomtrigger’s ambassadors and to apply to become one click here!

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